Bank Genie
Software for Bank Account Management

by Ideas for
Product Support
Last updated: 5th Feb 2024

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Do you have Bank Genie Pro 4 or Bank Genie Pro 5?
Option 1) Upgrade to Bank Genie Pro 6 from older Pro versions

WITH Investments program
£17.00 as a download

Option 2) Upgrade to Bank Genie Pro 6 from Older Pro versions
WITHOUT Investments program
Choose this option if you do not wish to record Investments
£12.00 as a download

Option 3) Upgrade to NON PRO version - Bank Genie 6
Choose this option if you already are using Bank Genie 4, Bank Genie 3 or Bank Genie- Software for the Penny Wise

£10.00 as a download

Option 4) I’d like a CD.
If you prefer to install from a CD or would like a CD to follow in the post.
CD Postage and Packing £4.00


Whats new in Bank Genie 6

Setting up Standing Orders (program BS423)

  1. Split Standing Orders
    Any number of Splits allowed
    See this discussion on the forum
  2. Multiple Tags per Standing order element are now allowed.
    Each split can have multiple Tags.
  3. The 2 digit code has been made optional.
    This was mandatory in Bank Genie 4.
    A check box in screen BS423S01 allows this field to be hidden.
    TIP: If you’d like to make your standing orders 2-digit code free, do this:
    Edit each of your standing orders.
    Clear the 2-digit code.
    Save changes.
    When all 2 digit codes have been cleared, the 2-digit code field will be always hidden.
    (You can use the 2-digit code checkbox to set it on again if you wish)

Viewing lists of Standing Orders in BS423
BS423 now has a Display Order popup in the initial screen.
This offers two types of listing:-

  1. By Payee order
  2. By next Due date
    This display mode includes two new columns:- Due Date and Processed.
    The Due Date column was requested in this forum topic
    Your Standing Orders (or regular payments) are listed in next due date order starting from todays date.
    The Processed column:-
    For each Standing Order, this column shows Yes or No to indicate whether or not the NEXT Standing Order amount has already been processed into Bank Genie transactions.
    We recommend that you process your standing Orders until your next “pay day”.
  3. By Account by Payee
  4. By Transaction details

New functionality in BS423

  1. Process buttons have been merged
    BEFORE: Two buttons in screen BS421S01. One for Processing Monthly S/O.s,. one for processing Weekly/Bi-weekly and 4 weekly S/O’s.
    NEW: One button processes all
  2. Can now process ALL accounts from screen BS421S01.
    BEFORE: User had to select ONE single account for processing.
    NOW: Can select a Single Account, or ALL accounts, and process using the single button described in (5) above.
  3. When Processing in BS423, can choose to process a Calendar month, or from Payday to Payday (any date within a month. You define Payday in the program Accounts-BS403).
  4. New Planner feature added
    This displays a spreadsheet type layout of your Standing Orders, Jan to Dec with Totals.
    The intention is to develop this as a simple Budgeting tool.

Shuffling the display order in the Manage Transactions program (BS421)

  • Shuffle transactions within a date.
    Allows Statements in BG to be alignable exactly with Bank Statements.
    Example of usage:-
    a) You transfer an amount from Savings to Current account and on the same day you pay a bill.
    You’d like the Credit to appear above the Debit,in the same order as you have created the transactions online. The Shuffle button allows you to change the listoimg order so it matches your statement.
    b) You have a number of transactions on the same day and you’d like to set the display order in Bank Genie to match the listing order on the statement or online.
  • The Shuffle feature works even when you use the Bank Genie Lodgements feature.
  • The shuffle feature works when you use the Ascending control to reverse the listing order of your transactions.
  • NOTE: You can NOT change the Transaction Date when shuffling transactions.
    Shuffling is done within a SINGLE Bank date.

New Import and Upgrade program (BS594)

  • Upgrades and imports a Bank Genie Pro 4 database into Core or directly into another database of your choice.
    Original Bank Genie Pro 4 database unaffected.

The Core data location has moved.
The Core data location is no longer located under the user profile.
That previous location caused HUGE support problems.

For the technically minded the new location is in a COMMONAPPDATA folder.
COMMONAPPDATA is a Windows environmental variable associated with a special folder on each computer.
Please Google for info.

The new locations means the downloads for program updates for Filesets can be directed to their PROPER location, not into a TEMP folder or the need for Users to change the Installation folder name when downloading to a folder under their unique User Name.

Field lengths increased
The size of a) the Paid To/Received From and b) the Transaction Details fields in transactions have been increased (from 30 characters to 40 characters).
This will help the auto Category allocation to work better when importing data from downloaded statements in BS412.
I looked over all my Barclay statements and reckon the biggest “Paid To” text they allow is 40.
For some “legacy” reason (perhaps) the Standing Orders “Paid To” field was restricted even further.
That now allows the new full 40 characters.
Example of a transaction:
Before: Next Retail Ltd, Lisburn Spruc  (some text was truncated at 30 characters.
Now   : Next Retail Ltd, Lisburn Sprucefield (well within the new 40 characters allocation)
The Auto Category allocation (in BS412) requires an exact match to work properly.

Bank Genie Pro 6 now has a new Investments program.
This was by far the most time consuming development.
If you dont wish to record investments then you can choose Option2 at the top of this page.

New in Preferences - Use Colours and Set Colours
In the Preferences program, you can now choose to Use Colours.
When you check the Use Colours checkbox, click the set colours button.
This takes you to screen BS498S03 where you can choose a Colour Scheme.
The Colour scheme you select will apply to all screens as you use Bank Genie.
For the artistically creative person, you can change the colours. Its fun to play with!

New:- Startup Preferences
This new Preferences program allows you to choose which program starts when you start Bank Genie.
e.g. You can go straight to Manage Transactions program.
Or - you may choose to run the program Process Standing Orders on startup
At any time you can click the Home button to see the dashboard with the summary of your accounts.

and - theres more to follow
With the new Check for Updates program, its much easier for us to distribute new features to Bank Genie 6 series users.
We have a number of good suggestions and ideas from our users!

Upgrade history log
Version 1 - Bank Genie - Software for the Penny Wise - first released in Nov 2004

Version 2 - Bank Genie-  released 2005

Version 3 - Banks Genie 3 - released 2007 - Read More

Version 4 - Bank Genie Pro 4 - released June 2011 - Read more
Version 4 - Bank Genie 4 - released Dec 2011 - Read more

Version 5 - Bank Genie Pro 5 - first issue March 2015
                     Restricted release - customers who had agreed to help test the New Investments program
                     Also to customers urgently in need of new features
Version 5 - Bank Genie 5 - There was no Bank Genie 5 (See notes above with Pro 5 version)

Version 6 - Bank Genie Pro 6 - Released Jan 2018
Version 6 - Bank Genie 6 - Released October 2018



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