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 IIIn the Transaction analyser (BS408) how do I see totals?
In BS408 at the bottom left of the screen you have 3 totals: Total Debits, Total Credits and Overall totals
 In the original Bank Genie 3 edition it was possible to ask for the currently open fileset to be re
-opened next time the program is started. This seems to have gone (useful feature).
This is actually still active, but as in Bank Genie 3, it is only available to Advanced Users.
- Start Preferences-BS498
- Check the check box Advanced User
- Start BS426-Open
- Look for checkbox with the Caption Make this my START UP folder
(This is hidden in Basic mode, shown in Advanced User mode)
- Check this then click Open
- Close Bank Genie
- Restart Bank Genie
You don’t need to use OPEN when you start Bank Genie.
 BS421 question
Is it possible to select more than one transaction to move it to the next statement page?
Yes. You can multi-select in the list of transactions in screen BS421S01. There are two methods. a) To Multi-select a number of sequential lines (i.e. appearing one after the other in the list)
- Hold the Shift button down and Click the first transaction required
- Hold the Shift button again (or continue to hold it down) and Click the last transaction required
All the transactions between the First and Last transactions clicked (inclusive) will be selected (blue)
- Then click the Exclude (or Include) button as required
b) To Multi-select a number of items which are NOT listed sequentially
- Hold the Ctrl button down and Click the first transaction required
- Hold the Ctrl button again (or continue to hold) and Click the next transaction required, anywhere in the list
As you click, each line becomes highlighted and the previously clicked lines remains highlighted (blue)
- Continue Ctrl-Clicking as many as you wish
- Then click the Exclude (or Include) button as required
 How do I isolate transactions which have the same Category? e.g. Transaction categorised as Broken XFR
Use the Transaction Analyser program Select the category (or categories) required and click Go
 Can I restore from quick backup and what is the difference - apart from the obvious?
Quick backup using program BS481 creates exactly the same result as using the program Backup-BS491.
Thus, you can restore from any backup created using BS481 OR BS491.
 How do I get reports in Bank Genie?
Use the program Transaction Analyser-BS408 to create reports. In the initial screen, use the Reports pop-up to select a report option.
 In the program Transaction Analyser-BS408.
s it possible to put the 'Spent On' field column in alphabetical order? Yes. In the initial screen BS408S01, Click the Reports pop-up.
In there you’ll find the option to order by Spent On, and others of course.
 When typing into a data field, why does the cursor stop just before the last digit and beep?
This means you’ve reached the end of the data field (number of characters max has been reached). This program behavior prevents you overtyping into the next field, since that can wipe out any info in
the next field. Tip: Make sure you don’t have leading spaces at the beginning of the data you have typed. This can happen when you click into the middle of a field and start typing.
e.g. If a field allows 8 characters max, and you have three spaces at the beginning, then you will be restricted to typing 5 characters after the spaces.
 Is it possible to hide the accounts that have nil value from appearing on the Net Worth report?
Yes. There are number of methods.
- You can set very old accounts to Inactive.
Inactive accounts do not appear and are not included in the Net Worth calculations
To set an account to inactive read the section The Active checkbox and use the program Bank Accounts BS403.
- You can use the Bank Groups feature.
Create a Bank Group for accounts you wish to include in Net Worth - only.
Then in the Net Worth program, use the Bank Groups popup in the very top left of the screen BS418S01 to select that Bank Group as a basis for your calculations.
To create a Bank Group see Bank Groups-BS415
- You can click to select Accounts for inclusion in the report, omitting accounts as required.
Refer to this screenshot
Double click on a Bank/account to select that account. The bank will be prefixed with three stars to indicate that it is selcted.
To deselect a selected account, double click on the account. Its a toggle action.
 When extracting Net Worth, how do you exclude the imminent Standing Orders already processed?
The solution is to use the Calculate to a certain date feature. Refer to this screenshot. This feature allows you to calculate Net Worth for today. It also allows you to calculate Net Worth for
any date in the past or in the future. More info: If you have processed standing orders in advance of today’s date then those transactions are pending
and do not appear on your actual bank statement. If needs be, you can do a future Net Worth calculation in Bank Genie to see how that looks.
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