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Bank Genie
Software for Bank Account Management

Web site last updated: 20th July 2024


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Importing data downloaded from your bank.

Using downloaded csv files


If available from your bank, we recommend you download in either QIF file format or OFX file format.
These are a standard format and are easily imported to both versions of Bank Genie.

Some banks do not offer dowloaded statements in OFX or QIF file format.
Instead they offer statement downloads in csv file format.

csv files are NOT a standard format and each bank seems to offer its own variety of csv file format.

Heres a list of the banks (and Credit Card providers) whose csv files can be downloaded and imported to Bank Genie 6 (Essentials) and Bank Genie Pro 6.

  • Abbey
  • Barclay (UK and France)
  • BOS - Bank of Scotland
  • CAF Bank
  • Coutts
  • FairFX
  • First Direct
  • John Lewis
  • Lloyds TSB
  • MBNA
  • Nationwide
  • Natwest
  • Paypal Read more
  • RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Santander
  • Standard Bank Jersey

Latest Developments
(in particular for Santander and Standard Bank Jersey statement downloads)

We now have special features to deal with downloaded statements which have a paragraph of text in the field which provides the PaidTo element of transaction records.
Some are MUCH longer.

You can remove the excess text. This can be edited to:

  • MARKS&SPENCER and set a category to Groceries
    and Saved and applied when importing future statement downloads.
  • Can also have multiple combinations like:-
    MARKS&SPENCER and set a category to Clothing
  • the date element 01/11/2019 is extracted and used as the Transaction Date in Bank Genie

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Product description: Bank Genie 6

Summary and comparison of features (Dutch)

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