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Bank Genie
Software for Bank Account Management

Web site last updated: 20th July 2024


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Understanding Paypal Statements

How to download and Import Paypal Statements

Search the internet on the term Understanding Paypal Statements and you’ll find many forum postings by frustrated Paypal traders and private users.

Its fairly OK when you deal with one currency, but when you buy or sell in another currency, the statements your download from Paypal are confusing to say the least.

We think we’ve cracked it.
Try the new Paypal Statement Import in Bank Genie Pro!

It works on WINDOWS 10

  • Replicate the Paypal accounts model on your PC - logically arranged
  • Produce categorised data suitable for your accountant and Tax Returns
  • Full instructions and screenshots to select the Paypal Statement Option required by Bank Genie
  • Use the new Paypal Statement Import feature in Bank Genie Pro
  • Transactions are segregated logically by Currency
  • Withdrawals and Add to Funds records are given special treatment
  • Currency Conversion records are given special treatment
  • Your Purchases in Foreign currencies using Paypal are given special treatment
    Likewise Money Sent)
  • Your Sales in Foreign currencies made using Paypal are given special treatment
    Likewise Money Received.
  • Categorise your Income and Expenditure
  • Use the analytical Bank Genie programs and reporting system to manage your business

We at use the Paypal Statement Import feature in Bank Genie Pro for our business transactions.
The Paypal Statement Import process has moved on considerably after working with a new customer who uses Paypal for most of his purchases and sales in multiple currencies.

The emphasis here is to make your Paypal data not only understandable but in a form you can use for Accounting purposes and Tax returns.

Give Bank Genie Pro a try! Buy Bank Genie Pro
NOTE: You need Bank Genie Pro for this feature (not Bank Genie 4)



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