Personal Finance Software, Home Accounts Software, Accounting software

Bank Genie
Software for Bank Account Management

Web site last updated: 4th October 2024


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Essentials Version

Personal Finances Software
Home Accounts Software

Bank Genie 6 - Product Description -

Personal Finances software, Home Accounts Software, Home Banking Software.
Works with Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista.
Works with Dual Monitors and wide screen monitors.

Software to manage your Personal Finances and help you through the credit crunch - and beyond.

You can run this software in Basic mode to begin.
After you have used the software for a period, your requirements may become more demanding.
You can turn on more Bank Genie options as you progress

In basic mode (options in preferences)
Bank Genie 6 is slimmed down to act as a simple software program to help you manage your money and stay financially afloat.

Bank Genie 6 will

  • help you see a forecast of your income, bills and other financial commitments
  • help you make it to your next pay day without going overdrawn
  • help you avoid Bank charges
  • help you manage your finances
  • allow you to do all this with minimum data entry
    You can get away without accounting for every penny or cent.
  • works in any country!
    Although based in the UK, we have customers in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mainland Europe etc

I think Bank Genie is a really good personal finance tool, most of the software commercially available is really for businesses so costs a lot of money and you don't need or use half the software
Bank Genie is ideal for keeping track of personal finances and I think in this economic climate, we all need to know what comes in and what goes out.
C.E. Berkshire, UK

Turn on more options:-
As your requirements become more demanding, Bank Genie 6 allows you to turn on extra features, making it a powerful item of software with the same analytical tools and many of the reports that come with Bank Genie Pro.

See Summary and comparison of features

Already used by Treasurers and those who administer the accounts of Sports Clubs, Churches, Schools and Universities, this inexpensive item of software is intended primarily for personal home finance management.

Product Information

  • Software to allow you to enter your income and your expenditure
  • Keep one step ahead of your online bank.
  • Designed to a high specification.
  • Flexible analytical and reporting tools, with printing and exporting options.
  • Install on your PC, laptop or Tablet (requires Windows)
  • Data is stored safely on your own computer (not on the Cloud)
  • Data can also be stored, transported and accessed on a removable/portable device
    (Use at home or in the office)
  • Works seamlessly with Cloud technology (e.g. Dropbox)
  • Categorise data (optional) for analysis and reporting
  • Produce figures for Net Worth, Annual financial reports etc.
  • One off payment (no monthly or annual fees)

Suitable for Managing:

  • Home accounts and personal finances
  • Bank Accounts
  • Check Accounts
  • Credit card accounts

Set up your Personal:

  • Bank Accounts -1 or many (Current accounts in UK, Checking accounts in North America)
  • Credit Card Accounts (1 or many)
  • Direct Debit Payments
  • Standing Order Payments
    Regular Payments (e.g. Salary, Utility bills etc)
    Frequency options: Annually, Monthly, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Every 4 weeks
    Fixed Number of Payments (e.g. a loan repayment) or Never ending
  • Expense and Income Categories
  • Groupings of Accounts (e.g. Personal Bank Accounts, Business Bank Accounts)
  • Groupings of Categories (e.g. Personal Transaction Categories, Business expenditure categories)

Manual Entry of:

  • Cheques
  • ATM transactions
  • Credit Card Transactions

Automatically Import

  • Statements downloaded from your Bank or Credit Card provider.
  • Can import from downloaded QIF files
    Can deal with any chosen date format, e.g. UK, US etc
  • Can import from downloaded OFX files
    Works for all date formats, e.g. UK, US etc
  • Can import from downloaded CSV files.
  • Can import from downloaded Paypal statement files

You can:

  • Simulate Bank Statements or reconcile to your online Bank.
  • Transfer Payments between Accounts, with cross-references
  • See protracted balances/Cash Flow
  • Split any one transaction into two or more Sub-Amounts/Spending Categories
    e.g. you can spilt a transaction at a filling station into Petrol and Groceries.
  • Enter Reference (or Cheque Number - Optional), Amount, Cheque date, Bank Date, Paid To, Spent on, Category
    Free text memo field for each transaction element.
  • Analyse your transactions by Category (e.g. Query expenditure)
  • Generate Reports from your transactions
  • Plan ahead.
  • Generate a report showing your Net Worth - summarising all (or selected) accounts up to any date
  • Be firmly in control of your finances!


Buy the Essentials version (as described on this page)

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Bank Genie Home

Summary and comparison of features

Product Description: Bank Genie Pro 6

Product description: Bank Genie 6

Summary and comparison of features (Dutch)

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